
Meditation in Zehlendorf, Martina Vollbrecht, der Weg in Gesundheit und Zufriedenheit

Dru Meditation

macht den Unterschied.



Der Name „Dru“ kommt von dem Sanskrit-Wort „dhruvam“, das den Polarstern bezeichnet, der fix und unbewegt am Himmel steht. Jenen Fixpunkt der Stille („dhruvam“) zu erreichen, von dem aus das ganze Leben leicht und wunderbar wird, lehrt uns die Wissenschaftlichkeit der Dru Meditation.

Der Aufbau einer Dru Meditationsstunde erleichtert mit ihren auf die Auflösung von Körperblockaden ausgerichteten Bewegungseinheiten den Einstieg in diesen Stilleraum enorm.


„Science is now agreeing that meditation can be a powerful form of stress relief and can help general health. Hundreds of studies on meditation have been performed, and they indicate the following:

  • Meditation creates a unique hypo-metabolic state, in which the metabolism is in an even deeper state of rest than during sleep. During sleep, oxygen consumption drops by 8 percent, but during meditation, it drops by 10 to 20 percent.
  • Meditation is the only activity that reduces blood lactate, a marker of stress and anxiety.
  • The calming hormones melatonin and serotonin are increased by meditation, and the stress hormone cortisol is decreased.
  • Meditators secrete more of the youth-related hormone DHEA as they age than non-meditators. Meditating forty-five-year-old males have an average of 23 percent more DHEA than non-meditators, and meditating females have an average of 47 percent more. This helps decrease stress, heighten memory, preserve sexual function, and control weight.
  • Meditation has a profound effect upon three key indicators of aging: hearing ability, blood pressure, and vision of close objects.
  • Long-term meditators experience 80 percent less heart disease and 50 percent less cancer than nonmeditators.
  •  75 percent of insomniacs were able to sleep normally when they meditated.
  • 34 percent of people with chronic pain significantly reduced medication when they began meditating.
